About Me

I am a graduate of the Kripalu Yoga teacher training and a graduate of teacher training at the Esther Myers Yoga studio in Toronto. I am very excited to bring these gentle, but very effective combination of Yoga styles to everyone interested in learning ways to support a healthy lifestyle and maintaining wellness in body and mind.

"In my past I have personally experienced the distressing effects of physical pain on my own body and mind. It is easy to get lost in an ocean of sorrow when pain is restricting our range of motion. In order to avoid pain we often move less, which leads to more physical restrictions and can be emotionally and mentally quite distressing. Simply, the less we move the worse we feel. Our body is designed to move. Movement brings freedom to body and mind. I have always had a special interest in the mind-body connection and the ancient wisdoms of Yoga as an alternative way to support health and well being. It was my own body's pain story which inspired me to seek out changes towards a healthier future and led me to become a certified yoga teacher. My personal story with Yoga has been and continues to be one of healing and joy and positive transformation.

I strongly believe that everyone can benefit from practicing Yoga and am very enthusiastic to share my knowledge with anyone seeking to increase their overall sense of well being. Transformation to a more harmonious, balanced and centered life is only a step away.


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